University News


URCA submits a project called EXEBIO as part of the investments for the future programme

URCA submits a project as part of the investments for the future programme

With a budget of €800M, the ExcellencES call for projects is an indicator of MESRI’s desire to support the initiatives aimed at improving the visibility and attractiveness of its universities.
In line with its scientific policy, URCA has chosen to submit a proposal in its signature field, the bioeconomy, and its consequences on the quality of the environment and on the structuring of society.

The EXEBIO project revolves around 3 areas focused on the “research-training-innovation” continuum and designed to support and strengthen the excellence of URCA and its partners within the framework of its site policy.

What does it involve?

On 1 February, our university submitted the EXEBIO (EXcellencE in the sustainable BIOeconomy) project in response to the ExcellencES call for projects as part of the investments for the future programme (PIA). This call aims to promote excellence in all areas of activity of universities and to transform institutions in depth to enable them to achieve the best international standards.

Area 1

Area 1, devoted to research, relies on high-level recruitment and support for scientific excellence projects.

Area 2

The second area consists of the creation of an international “graduate school” which will see the progressive establishment of international master's degrees and the strengthening of doctoral training. Emphasis will be placed on the quality of recruitment and on internationalisation.

Area 3

The third area is dedicated to the development of the policy to promote URCA and closer ties with the sector’s manufacturers, nationally and internationally.

Things to know

  • The scientific quality of the training courses provided in the “graduate school” is guaranteed and high proficiency level of teaching entrusted to URCA’s teacher-researchers;
  • It will be a public institute where registration fees will be the same as those applied within the university;
  • Entry to the master's degree will be selective, as it is already for all the master's degrees provided by the university;
  • As the bioeconomy is multidisciplinary by nature, the lessons will be based on blocks of skills, which are multidisciplinary and lead to a professional qualification, making it possible to promote diversity and synergise the existing skills in our establishment.

Project manager: Pr Christophe CLÉMENT

List of relevant masters programs within the institute perimeter

The Erasmus Mundus joint master degree in « Biological and Chemical Engineering for a sustainable Bioeconomy » (BIOCEB). This master is lead by AgroParisTech and counts URCA as main partner, along with the university of Liège (Belgium), Aalto (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia). BIOCEB students stay at each partner University only for one semester, URCA being hosting the first semester of the 2-years program. The consolidated network of universities involved in this master may provide new opportunities for internships, collaborative projects and visits of qualified lecturers. The first session started in September 2020. The objective being pursued to recruit 30 to 40 students in this program.

• The MSc in « Chemistry and Lifescience » offers a course dedicated to « Molecular chemistry » relevant to strategic sectors of application in URCA, namely bioeconomy, environment and health-cosmetics. Over the last 5 years, the number of students was around 40-50 per year.

• The MSc in « Biology and Agrosciences » offers a course on « Plant biomass production and bioprotection » and « Biotechnologies, plant chemistry and biorefinery ». Over the last 5 years, the number of students was around 40 per year.

• The MSc in « Risks and Environment » includes 2 courses on “Biodiversity, Health, Environment” and "Environment management, Waste, Energies” relevant to the Institute. These 2 courses welcome 30 students per year.

• The MSc in « Applied Economy » includes a course on « Ecological transition and public policies ». This master program offers students skills in the main societal impacts of bioeconomy worldwide. Over the 5 past years, the number of students was 60 per year.

Since 2016, a « Master-Engineer » curriculum on “Biorefinery and Bioeconomy” (“CMI Biorefinery”) has been developed to complement the existing program (5-year integrated cursus starting from L1 to M2). Essentially based on the BAS Master program, the CMI Biorefinery program was awarded by the national action for innovation in higher education (IDEFI). Fifteen selected students subscribe to this curriculum each year and benefit from additional training consisting in research internships, courses in English as a foreign language, visits to industries and scientific seminars.

Students subscribing to these masters are Graduates students from: URCA (75%), other curricula in France (15%) and other curricula from abroad (10%). In average, 15% of the Master students carry on their studies with a PhD in a French or a European research institute in the scientific fields of the institute and 85%, find a position in a R&D company (biorefinery, agrifood, cosmetics, engineering, consulting, ...).

The concerned research units are the following

En complément