Call for Abstracts

Official language of the Symposium in English.In agreement with our well assumed chauvinism on the one hand and with the French laws in the other hand, a communication in French may be authorized by the committee if the slides are in English.

The deadline for abstract submission for IOSPS IX is April, 30th 2016

A strong recommendation is made to follow the following format. Please use Times New Roman font, simple spaced. Abstracts will be returned for formatting if they do not comply with the recommendations.

  • Title: Times New Roman 14
  • Authors: Times New Roman 11
  • Adresses: Times New Roman 10
  • e-mail of corresponding author: Times New Roman, 10
  • 3-5 Key words: Times New Roman 11
  • Abstract:Times New Roman 11
  • Maximal length: 1 page

ISOPS will only accept communications related to Phlebotomine sand flies.

Send your abstract as an attached file to

Please indicate if you prefer do an oral communication or a poster. You will be informed by the committee on May, 15th if you will do an oral communication or a poster.


  • Communication will be considered by the committee only if the speaker (oral communication) or presenting author (poster) is registered on the symposium (and registration fee paid)
  • The official book (downloadable just after the congress) will only include oral communications and poster presented during the congress.

Oral Presentations

Speakers of all sessions are kindly invited to respect the duration of a communication which will be 15 minutes. Their power point presentation will be deposited to symposium attendance at least before the starting of the session.

Poster Presentations

Please, note that each poster will be preceded by an oral fast presentation of one minute and two slides maximum. The slide(s) have to be given to the organization 24 hours before the poster session.

Posters should be printed in the A0 Format (Width - horizontal: 841 mm and Length - vertical: 1189 mm). They will be fixed on cork boards using thumbtacks.