University Department of Physical and Sport Activities (SUAPS)

gallery_images/site/20731/22767.jpgDo sport while studying!

To be part of the SUAPS, you only need to settle the € 25 sports right fees
• when you register at the University


• directly at the SUAPS, bringing your student card and an identity picture.

Available activities : Access the programme of activities.

Over 50 sport activities are available for you to choose!

Aerobics Fencing Korfball
Aikido Fitness Low Intensity Aerobics
Aqua gym Fitness barre Bodybuilding
Athletics Football Swimming
Badminton Full contact Physical training
Basket-ball Futsal Rugby
Billiards Golf Self defence
Boxing Gym Squash
Bowling Rythmic Gymnastics Step
Capoeira Handball Streching
Circus Hip-Hop Tennis
Running Sub aquatic hockey Table tennis
African dancing Judo Archery
Latino dancing Jujitsu Rifle shooting
Oriental dancing Karate Volley-ball
Rock&Roll dancing Yoga
Ballroom dancing

See schedules on French SUAPS page

Competitive sport
Competitive sport in the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne is for every body and every level.
National Championshi