
Cognition, Santé, Société (Laboratory C2S) - UR 6291


Directeur du C2S, chargé de mission éthique de la recherche, référent déontologue Phone 03 26 91 36 34
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Contact details


Bâtiment 13 > RDC Haut > R230

57 rue Pierre Taittinger

51096 REIMS Cedex France

Secretariat :
03 26 91 37 76

Website :


The C2S team is a research unit (UR 6291) of URCA located on the Croix Rouge campus. Its main project is the investigation of social cognition. Social cognition, a psychological concept, encompasses the skills and abilities enabling humans to understand others and their surrounding contexts, facilitating adaptation. Within the C2S, social cognition is explored through various disciplines including cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, and psychopathology, as well as through neuroscience, psychiatry, and ethology. The team conducts research at the intersection of humanities, social sciences, and life sciences. It engages in fundamental research on social cognition and its development, alongside investigations into the underlying brain networks. Moreover, the laboratory addresses challenges related to societal adaptation in the fields of health, work, and education.

Scientific field(s)

SHS - Psychologie


  • 28 permanent researchers (7 Professors, 17 Associate Professors, 4 affiliated researchers)
  • 22 non-permanent researchers (including 17 PhD)
  • 1 research engineer
  • 1 administrative assistant
  • 3 research assistants currently working on grants (ANR POSTURE Project, INCa CONSOMTEL Project, TAAF Project).


  • Social cognition
  • Adaptive behaviors
  • Mental health
  • Language
  • Emotions
  • Motivation

Research topics

The central theme of the C2S laboratory is the study of social cognition: the set of skills or abilities enabling humans to understand others and the contexts in which they are situated in order to adapt. Its scientific objectives are threefold:

  • Contribute to the modeling of social cognition.
  • Determine the contexts and factors that influence social cognition and its development across different domains (Health, Work, Education).
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate prevention or intervention programs for individuals.


Conducting research involving human participants in the Humanities and Social Sciences, including children and adults, whether vulnerable or not. This involves:

  • The design of experimental, correlational, or descriptive research protocols, including quantitative measures (scales, tests) and/or qualitative measures (interviews, analyse of written productions);
  • Use of a wide range of measures, including behavioral, temporal, physiological and brain imaging. The C2S lab is equipped with ERP, BIOPAC and eyetracking devices. It also has access, via Reims University Hospital, to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI);
  • Psychometric validation and administration of tests and psychological measurement tools;
  • Statistical analyses applied to qualitative and quantitative data, in accordance with the recommendations and requirements of international academic journals in psychology;
  • Dissemination of scientific production and scientific expertise via academic journals, conferences and granting agencies.

Develop training and intervention programs involving human participants, specifically:

  • Training on management, motivation and workplace health;
  • Training in vocational integration and orientation (e.g., identity and identity threats, self-presentation, social judgment);
  • Psychosocial rehabilitation, cognitive remediation, and care programs;
  • Providing academic training in statistical theory, data analysis and experimental design in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Equipment and facilities

  • 2 active electrode EEG devices (Brain Products, 32 electrodes)
  • A BIOPAC (physiological measurements)
  • A high-frequency eye-tracker (Eye-link plus 1000 Hz)
  • A range of experimentation programming software allowing data collection (Inquisit Web, Inquisit Lab, E-prime, OpenSesame, etc.), as well as software for statistical (R, Statistica, SPSS, JASP, etc.) and qualitative analyses (ALCESTE)
  • Access to the MRI platform at the University Hospital (CHU) for its imaging studies and to the computing center “Romeo” (supercomputer) whose computing capacity (1 Pflop/s) has been utilized for resource-intensive analyses (e.g., cortical segmentation and thickness analysis)
  • Numerous psychological tests (e.g., intelligence, personality, vocational interests, cognitive styles, emotional regulation, emotion recognition, etc.)


National grants

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) - National Agency for Research ; Association Nationale Recherche Technologie (ANRT) - National Association for Research and Technology ; Institut pour la recherche en santé publique (IRESP) - Institute for Public Health Research ; Institut national du cancer (INCa) - National Cancer Institute ; Agence Nationale sur de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES) - National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety ; Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF) - French Southern and Antarctic Lands

Local grants and partners

Conseil Régional du Grand Est - Regional Council of Grand Est; Grand Reims - Greater Reims

Ville de Reims - City of Reims ; CHU de Reims - University Hospital of Reims ; EPSM de la Marne - Public Mental Health Establishment of Marne ; GIP Formation Continue de Reims - Interprofessional Group for Continuing Education of Reims ; MSA (Marne et Picardie) - Agricultural Social Security (Marne and Picardie branch) ; Greta de la Marne - Adult Education Center of Marne ; Pôle Emploi Grand-Est - Grand Est Employment Center ; l’APEC Grand Est - Association for the Employment of Executives and Managers in Grand Est ; Service Militaire Volontaire des Armées - Voluntary Military Service of the Armed Forces ; l’AFPA Grand Est - Association for Adult Vocational Training in Grand Est ; LADAPT de la Marne - Adaptation and Integration Organization for Disabled People in Marne.

Outstanding publications

Organizational chart