Courses by degree
Legal careers
Social work careers
Administrative and commercial management of organisations
Management of companies and departments
Logistics and transport management
Sales techniques
Civil engineering - sustainable construction
Electrical engineering and industrial it
Industrial engineering and maintenance
Mechanical and production engineering
Hygiene, safety and environment
Physical measurements
Multimedia and internet-related jobs
Packaging and packing
Networks and telecommunications
Bachelor's degree
Applied foreign languages
Histoire - lettres classiques
Economic and social administration
Economics and management
Sanitary and social sciences
Human and Social Sciences Multidisciplinary Portal
Geography and development
Sciences of education
Human and Social Sciences Multidisciplinary Portal
Electronics, electrical energy, automation
Génie civil
Physics, chemistry
Life sciences
Earth and life sciences
Sciences and techniques of physical and sporting activities
Health sciences
Engineer sciences
Sciences and technologies (l3 only)
Professional Bachelor's degree
Wood and furnishing
Careers in design
Careers in the book industry: documentation and libraries
Legal activities: employment law jobs
Insurance, banking, finance: account manager
Insurance, banking, finance: operational support
Marketing of products and services
Development of territorial projects
Management of social and solidarity economy organisations
Social intervention: social and professional integration and reintegration
Management of commercial activities
Management of logistics processes
Management of organisations
Careers in management and accounting: taxation
Careers in hrm: training, skills and employment
Careers in international trade
Careers in operational marketing
Careers in the notary profession
Person-focused services
Analytical chemistry, control, quality, environment
Home automation
E-commerce and digital marketing
Maintenance and technology: multitechnique systems
Careers in communication: communication project manager
Careers in radiation protection and nuclear safety
Careers in electricity and energy
Careers in packaging and packing
Careers in industry: design of industrial products
Careers in industry: material forming design and processes
Careers in industry: management of industrial production
Careers in industry: mechatronics, robotics
Careers in it: web applications
Careers in it: software design, development and tests
Careers in instrumentation, measurement and quality control
Careers in it and telecommunications networks
Careers in building and public works: building and construction
Careers in building and public works: civil engineering and construction
Careers in building and public works: energy and environmental performance of buildings
Careers in the wood industry
Careers in the digital industry: web design, publication and development
Plant production
Quality, hygiene, safety, health, environment
Sales engineer
Sound and image techniques
Agri-resources technology transfer
Master's degree
Theatre arts and live performance
Languages and societies
Foreign and regional languages, literature and civilisations
Literature and humanities
Heritage and museums
Philosophy (remote)
Economic analysis and policy
Accounting - control - auditing
Management control and organisational auditing
Notarial law
Criminal law and criminal sciences
Private law
Public law
Applied economics
Management of production, logistics, purchasing
Human resources management
Social intervention and development
Business management and administration
International management and commerce
Sector-based management
Marketing, sales
Clinical psychology, psychopathology and health psychology
Social, employment and organisational psychology
Urban planning and development
Biology, agrosciences
High performance calculation, simulation
Chemistry and life sciences
Electronics, electrical energy, automation
Civil engineering
Georesources, georisks, geotechnics
Design engineering
Mathematics and applications
Applied physics and physical engineering
Networks and telecommunications
Risks and environment
Vine and wine sciences
Medicine sciences
Staps: engineering and ergonomics of physical activity
Staps: sports management
Engineering diploma / CMI
ESIReims Engineering Diploma - Specialism: Packing and Packaging
ESIReims Engineering Diploma - Specialism: Energy
ESIReims Engineering Diploma - Urban Engineering
UTT Engineering Diploma - Specialism: Industrial Automation and IT: Smart production systems
CNAM Engineering Diploma - Specialism: Construction and Development
CNAM Engineering Diploma - Specialism: IT
EiSINe diploma: Materials and Processes Engineering
EiSINe diploma: Electrical Engineering and Robotics
EiSINe diploma: Mechanics and Industrial Engineering (name used Maintenance 4.0)
Les formations menant aux métiers de l'enseignement
Pour devenir Professeur des Écoles
Pour devenir Professeur en lycée-collège ou Professeur documentaliste
Pour devenir CPE en lycée-collège
Pour devenir un professionnel de l'éducation et de la formation, à l'ingénierie pédagogique, à la recherche en sciences de l'éducation
health studies
Common first year of health studies
Sciences Médicales
Sciences Pharmaceutiques
Sciences Odontologiques
Sciences Maïeutiques
Capacité d'Etudes Supérieures (CES)
Diplôme d'Etudes Spécialisées (DES)
Diplôme d'Etudes Spécialisées Complémentaires (DESC)
Des doctorats sont proposés dans tous les domaines de formation et de recherche de l'URCA.
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