Managers: Jean-Hugues RENAULT Dominique HARAKAT
Location: University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
ICMR (Institute of Molecular Chemistry -Reims), UMR CNRS 7312
The PlAneT technology platform consists of several types of analysis and modification tools:
1) In the field of molecular chemistry, the platform is equipped with:
- NMR (600 MHz with cryoplatform and LC/NMR coupling technology, 500 MHz (liquid, solid), 250 and 300 MHz routine spectrometers
- Mass spectrometry
- 4 circle RX diffractometer
- GeneVac HT-4X centrifugal evaporator
- Electron accelerator - other acquisitions
2) As part of CPER 2015-2018, other physical characterisation and material transformation equipment were added to PlAneT:
- MAGMA: injection of agromaterials
- COMMUE: micro-macromechanical characterisation of fibres under environmental variation
- MI-MA-TRA: Micro traction machine
- TRATOCOMB: Combined torsion traction machine
The main objective of the PlAneT platform is to provide URCA research units which come under (or are related to) the chemical sciences with a set of high-level resources for the analysis of molecular (synthetic, natural, after isolation and/or chemical modifications) compounds and the energetic transformation of biomolecules and their derivatives. As such, it comes under Material Sciences through its fundamental and methodological aspects, and Agricultural Sciences because of the plant origin of a large share of the compounds and molecules studied. It supports the Life and Health Sciences through the characterisation of active substances at the molecular level as well as diagnostic aspects (imaging, markers).
The PlAneT platform is operated by the Institute of Molecular Chemistry - Reims, UMR CNRS 7312, which contributes through its staff and its expertise in molecular chemistry to the methodological development and carrying out of research (in the form of collaborative partnerships or services) for the benefit of site units and external partners (academic, industrial).