Throughout the year

Buddy System

Buddy System

The Buddy System is a voluntary peer support scheme that pairs up a new international student with a second, third+ URCA student to help with the transition into French life and provide support during the initial administrative procedures (opening a bank account, buying a SIM card, insurance etc.).

Registration at:

More info about the Buddy System

Buddy Family

Many international students (Exchange and Non-exchange students) spend several months or even years in France without ever visiting or meeting a French or local family.
In order to alleviate the difficulties of integration and to deepen the knowledge of the French culture, the Univesrity of Reims Champagne-Ardenne would like to call upon local families to welcome an international student for a lunch, a dinner or a family outing (snacks, walks, outings). This short but concrete immersion will create a link between local and international audiences.

The local family is the driving force behind the programme and the shape of the meetings.
Via an enrolment questionnaire, the candidate families will be able to detail their motivations. The DREDI will make an inventory of the registrations and will proceed with the "matching" of the families with the students according to the coherence of the respective expectations.

Registration at:

affiche buddy family

affiche tutorat social

Tutorat social - for international students

As a first-time international student, you will be able to benefit from personalised support based on the help of your peers.
Extra-academic subjects will be discussed, allowing you to become better acquainted with your new study environment, to quickly acclimatise to the functioning of the university and to receive practical advice on life in France. This will give you the knowledge you need to have the best possible experience and integration in France.
You will be accompanied every Saturday morning from 9 am to 1 pm during the first semester by a student tutor who will lead face-to-face information and support sessions, in groups of 10 students.

Registration before September 7, 2022 at:

More info about Tutorat Social