Academic enrolment
Academic enrolment is a MANDATORY procedure. It follows the administrative enrolment. It involves enrolling on the courses which you want to take during the university year or semester.
It enables you, if necessary, to choose your options and register for TD (tutorials) or TP (practical work).
You must pass the continuous monitoring tests and the final examinations.
Academic enrolment is done online or on site at the departments' academic affairs services.
When and how?
For undergraduate students, enrolment at URCA is a 3-stage process:
- administrative registration
- pedagogical registration
- submission of supporting documents
For all Licences, except for students who have accepted an offer of admission with special support, administrative and then academic registration follow on from each other.
Don't forget to click on FINISH at the end of the administrative registration!
If you didn't complete your online enrolment when you finished your administrative enrolment, click on this link to finalise it.
You have accepted an offer of admission with specific support (Oui-si) in the 1st year of a Bachelor's degree.
Your enrolment will take place during a meeting with a teacher-referent.
Once you have completed your administrative registration, you will need to make an appointment with a teacher-referent to draw up your Contrat Pédagogique de Réussite (CPR).
Click on the following link : make an appointment with a contact teacher.
Students can only register for courses once their administrative registration has been completed and finalised.
Please note: Each component may apply a different timetable depending on the constraints associated with the courses on offer. It will be displayed in your component or on its website. You can also contact your component's Registrar's Office to obtain a copy.
Registration dates for the 1st semester:
- General case: between 4 July and 20 July and between 17 August and 22 September 2023
Registration dates for the 2nd semester:
- General: between 13 November 2023 and 2 February 2024
You can register online or at the registrar's office of each component.
If you are unsure, it is best to contact your component's Registrar's Office so that they can help you register, or to refer to the student guide provided by your component.
- Enrolment is compulsory.
- It is generally done at the beginning of the year for both semesters.
- For some courses, enrolment may be in two stages (enrolment before the start of classes in the odd-numbered semester, then a second enrolment in the middle of the year for the even-numbered semester).
- When you register for a course, you will be able to print out a course contract listing all the courses in which you are enrolled.
- Once you have completed your enrolment form, you do not need to do anything else concerning your enrolment.