
Performance, Health, Measurement, Society (PSMS) - UR 7507


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Contact information

Secrétariat :

Campus Moulin de la Housse
Chemin des Rouliers
51100 REIMS

Sandy Baudry : 03 26 91 85 71

Website: in progress

Team presentation

The Laboratory develops Sport Sciences Research focused on the integrated aspects of human movement. It proposes a systemic approach, aimed to interdisciplinarity, of Movement Sciences, oriented toward health and performance relationships. These relationships are studied within their social and societal context and get support from innovating metrology.


  • 19 researchers (11 university lecturers and researchers, 2 PhD. from Reims University, 6 associated researchers (outside Reims University)), including 5 HDR.
  • 8 doctoral students

Key words

Sport Performance, Work Performance, Health, Prevention, Society, Ergonomy, Metrology, Movement sciences, Sport Sciences

Research topics

This research Laboratory develops 2 clearly identified research roads : Sport and Health and Sport and Performance.

The first road, Sport and Health uses a systemic approach of human movement and tries to determine lifelong risk factors for health. It also proposes individualised answers toward physical activity or ergonomic devices.

This road is developed through 3 types of public: youth people, athletes, and senior people.

- concerning youth people, it is focused to a prevention goal oriented to risk identification of sedentarity (4th reason for death).

- concerning athletes, it deals with the identification of health short and long term risk factors due to regular sport and physical activity

- concerning senior people, the question is to identify risk factors linked with loss of independence and to define means and process to help people to live with full autonomy as long as possible.

The second road is oriented toward performance optmisation through a systemic and ergonomic approach (i.e. bIking, fencing).

This road allows to study biomechanical, physiological, psychological, and sociological combined variables that stimulate elite performance. The identification of interactions between variables from different scientific areas aim to define useful patterns for performance and to provide recommendations regarding training process or improvement of equipment


1. Assessment of biomechanical, physiological, psychological and social characteristics in order to build prevention, rehabilitation, remediation or training programs. The specificity of the approach is to integrate variables from different scientific areas.

2. From this assessment, it is possible to propose, for all possible public profiles, structured physical activities programs adapted to performance or prevention targets.

3. Design and organization of selection processes (i.e. psychological selection of european astronauts in 2008 ; psychological selection of participants to long-term bed-rest experiment (2 months)) (Medes-Cnes, 2016-2017).


Private companies

  • Equipe cycliste
  • Stade de Reims

Academical partnerships

  • Université Technologique de Troyes (UTT) : ActiveAgeing (living lab) et Chaire SilverTech
  • Institut Régional de Formation Sanitaire et Sociale de la Croix Rouge Française en Nouvelle-Aquitaine (IRFSS Croix Rouge Nouvelle Aquitaine)


  • Institut de Médecine et de Physiologie Spatiales (Clinique spatiale MEDES, Toulouse)
  • Centre National des Arts du Cirque (CNAC)
  • Fédération Française de Cyclisme
  • Fédération Française de Ski
  • Fédération Française d’Escrime
  • Région Grand-Est
  • Grand Chalons
  • Centre Régional d’Education Populaire et de Sport de Reims (CREPS)
  • Ligue Régionale de triathlon Champagne Ardenne
  • Comité Départemental Olympique de la Marne (CDOS 51)
  • Réseau Sport-Santé-Bien Etre Champagne Ardenne



4 equiped rooms (130 m2) in UFRSTAPS (see below) and access possibilities to the University facilities at Sebastopol Hospital and to ESO (High School for ostheopathy) facilities in Marne la Vallée.

Equipment in Physical Education and Sport Faculty :

  • Systèmes optoélectroniques de mesure cinématique (OPtitrack, 16 caméras Flex 13 avec logiciel Motiv Body + Vicon, 3 caméras)
  • Goniométre, capteur de préhension avec mesure en continue
  • Cyclo-ergomètres (Ergoline 100, SRM Indoor trainer, Wattbike, Monark (pour membres supérieurs), Cyclus 2…)
  • Capteurs de puissance mobile (PowerTap, G-Cog)
  • Pédales dynamométriques (Sensix)
  • Presse hydraulique horizontale
  • Centrales inertielles et accéléromètres (3 Hikob Fox synchronisables, 1 Passerelle + Hikob Fox GPS, + 3 AX3 et 2WAX9 Axivity)
  • Dynamomètres manuelles et lombaires
  • Plateformes de pression (Zebris, WinTrackde 1.4m, Winpod) et de force 3D (AMTI)
  • Système de mesure des pressions palmaires (Tekscan)
  • Systèmes de mesure des échanges gazeux fixes (Cortex metamax) et mobiles (Oxycon Mobile)
  • Spiromètre portable
  • Pince harpenden (masse grasse)
  • Balance à impédance-mètrie
  • Wii balance Board (4)
  • Système de chronométrage par capteurs optiques des appuis (Optojump, 10m) + nouvel optojump (optogait) pour analyse de la marche.
  • Cellules de chronométrage par capteurs optiques (au 1/1000 de s)
  • Plateformes vibrantes (Globus)
  • Système sans fils de mesure de l’activité musculaire (Trigno Delsys, 16 capteurs)
  • Centrale d’acquisition de mesures physiologiques (ADinstrument, + 8 mallettes)
  • Systèmes d’électrostimulation (Compex, reflex H, et surstimulation)
  • Tapis de course (3 tapis : 1 tapis de marche, 1 tapis de course Tunturi T90, 1 tapis grande dimension Rodby, 2005X1000E, possibilité de rouler dessus, fauteuil roulant, roller, roller ski, cyclisme et bien sur marche ou course)
  • Caméra de thermographie infrarouge
  • Capteur thermique (bouton)
  • Caméras embarquées (Black eye + Go Pro)
  • GPS (FRWD)
  • Beeper pour test VMA Vameval et TUB2 (2)
  • Système de mesure de la lactatémie
  • Cardiofréquences mètres RS800 (intervalle RR) et 725
  • Systéme de mesures cardiaque de télémétrie (Hoosband)
  • Systèmes de mesure de la détente verticale (Brower, Jumptest...)
  • Système de mesure inertiel (Myotest, GymAware, Beast)
  • Dispositif pour l’analyse modale expérimentale (marteau de choc + 2 accéléromètres dytran)
  • Capteurs dynamométriques en S de 0-500kg avec interface d’acquisition

Logiciels :

Statistica, LabChart, Dartfish, Kinovéa, Matlab, Motive Body


The PSMS Laboratory gather researchers from different scientific areas, but linked with Sport and Movement Sciences. They are working together in a multidisciplinary context. This methodology allows to build new understandable models for sport and physical activity, but seems too limited to better understand such a complex object. This is the reason why the Laboratory’s members try to really cooperate between scientific disciplines, sharing ideas, concepts, methodologies, etc. and facilitating the emergence of systemic and integrated scientific models.

The Laboratory has chosen to be part of an interdisciplinary research’s approach in order to better understand by a systemic approach the complex relationships between sport and physical activity from the one hand, and health and performance, in the other hand.

Organizational chart



  • Directeur de l'UFR STAPS - Directeur adjoint de PSMS

  • Phone

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