Settlement and Political Space (Habiter) - UR 2076
Contact details
HABITER - Aménagement et Géographie Politique
UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines
57 bis rue Pierre Taittinger
51096 Reims cedex
Sébastien Piantoni
Email :
Phone : 03 26 91 36 81
Team presentation
Multidisciplinary research team consisting of planners, geographers and historians developing two research areas (urban-development-sustainability (IRCS) and political geography), which converge in a common theme "Cities and powers."
François Bost (director)
Phone: +33 (0)
Pr. François Mancebo (assistant director)
Tél: +33 (0)
21 teacher-researchers and engineers
15 PhD
Decision support - development - sustainability - environment - Borders - Political Geography - Geopolitics - innovation - interdisciplinarity - mobility - public policy - powers - International Relations - Sustainability Science - territory - urban - city - colonial city
Research themes
Urban planning, sustainability - IRCS (International Research Center on Sustainaibility)
- After Rio +20, which systems of governance for which sustainability?
- Climate Change and Migration: Scenarios under water stress in Central Asia
- Conditions for dialogue between researchers, civil society, business and local authorities for sustainable medium-sized cities in Europe.
- Developing sustainable living and social justice: what trade-offs?
- Renewable energy: legitimacy and long-term impact of scenarios in the context of multi-level governance.
- Social Innovation
- Objectives of sustainable development post-2015: Towards a new social contract
- What planning policies to take account of emerging pollutants and endocrine disruptors?
- Under the cobblestones, the city identify the conditions for the registration of an underground city urban sustainable
- Temporalities urban projects
- Towards a sustainable periurbanisation by usages.
Political space
- Theory of political geography and geopolitics,
- Geopolitics of the world system around themes of borders, cities and actors' strategies.
- Study "border barriers"
- Study social boundaries in cities.
Two Masters are linked with these research activities:
- a vocational Master: Master in Urban development and Environment, sponsored by IATEUR (Institut d'Aménagement du Territoire, d'Environnement et d'Urbanisme de l'Université de Reims = URCA’s Land Development, Environment and Urbanism Institute)
- a research Master (specialisation of the mention History and Geopolitic)
- Leader of major projects (European projects, national projects ANR)
- Consultancy
- Organisation of annual Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies
- Organization of workshops BABEL-Building key concepts of sustainable development.
National industrial partnerships:
- Team STEEP (Sustainability Transition, Environment, Economy and local Policy) - INRIA
- IAU (Institute of Urban Planning and Development) Ile de France
- INGELUX Consultants - Lyon
- Suez Environnement
National academic partnerships:
- DREAL Champagne-Ardenne
- Ecole Nationale d'Architecture Paris Val de Seine
- GRECAU (Research Group Environment and Urban Architectural Design) - National School of Architecture and Landscape of Bordeaux
- Planning Institute of Grenoble - Grenoble University
- IRPHIL (Institute of Philosophical Lyon) - University Lyon 3
- HLDAA (Laboratory Design Territory History) - National School of Architecture and Landscape of Lille
- LASH (LABORATORY Sciences de l'Habitat) - Lyon ENTPE
- PUCA (Urban Planning Architecture) Minsitère of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy
- Region Champagne-Ardenne
- Reims Métropole
- SBRI (Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute) - INSERM
- UMR LADYSS - University Paris 8
- UMR LPPA (Laboratory of Physiology of Perception and Action) - Collège de France.
- City of Reims
International industrial partnership:
- BioRegional, United Kingdom
- Centre for Systems Solutions Association, Poland
- CITET (Tunis International Centre for Environmental Technologies), Tunisia
- Team STEEP (Sustainability Transition, Environment, Economy and local Policy) - INRIA
- IAU (Institute of Urban Planning and Development) Ile de France
- INGELUX Consultants - Lyon
- Organization Space Environment, Belgium
- Siemens PLC, United Kingdom
- Suez Environnement
- TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Delhi, India
International academic partnerships:
- Department of Political Science - University of New Hampshire, USA
- ENVSEC (Environment and Security Initiative) - United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Eastern Europe (UNEP / ROE), Switzerland
- Faculty of Sciences - Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
- Harvard University - Sustainable Science Program, USA
- Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
- Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities, Hungary
- Institute of Information Science and Technology - National Research Council (CNR), Italy
- Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (NL)
- NWRC (National Water Research Centre), Egypt
- Madrid Polytechnic University, Beer-Sheva (Israel)
- SIO (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology) - Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Unviersity, Delhi, India
- Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
- Universidade do Minho, Portugal
- University of Montreal, Canada
- University of Camerino, Italy
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- Matej Bel University (Banska Bystrica, Slovakia)
Organization of scientific events
Current and future events:
- Third Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies, "Sustainable Development Goals after 2015: towards a new social contract", 19-20 June 2013, Reims
- Seminar Babel - Building Sustainable Development (
- Seminar Cities and Powers (
- Seminar on the History of Colonial America []
Major past events:
- Second Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies, "After Rio +20, which systems of governance for which sustainability? When planning becomes an exercise in democracy ", 26-27 September 2012, Reims
- First Rencontres Internationales de Reims on Sustainability Studies, "Social equity and environmental sustainability: the return of planning", 22-23 June 2011, Reims
- International Symposium "Space Policy: Concepts and Ladders", 2 - 4 April 2008, Reims.
- Conference "The Champagne-Ardenne and Picardie challenges the attractiveness and competitiveness of territories" 22 to 23 June 2006, Reims.
- Several study days organized by IATEUR
Current projects
Programs submitted under evaluation:
- FP7 European project "Governance of Sustainable Urban and Regional Medium Sized Systems (MESURS)" within the framework of the call for project "Mobilization and Mutual Learning Action Plan (MML): Mainstreaming Science in Society Actions in Research (SiS.2013.1 .2-1) "[Leading partner, carrying the project]
- CSFRS (Superior Council of Education and Research Strategic) - Call for proposals non-thematic 2012 - WALLS. Border barriers in the contemporary world [Portage Project]
- Project ORA Plus - ANR "Plotting Our Sustainable Energy Future: Legitimacy and Impact of Long-Term Energy Scenarios in a Multilevel Governance Context". [Co-portage project]
- Program NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. "Project" Climate-Water-Migration Nexus: Scenarios for North Africa and Central Asia ". [Co-portage project]
- National Project "D-Town 10 Cities of ideas" "Under the cobblestones, the city arrange the meeting of two worlds" [Project Management]
- Project emerging "TrEcoPolEm" Fate and impact of emerging pollutants from the health sector in the environment "[Direction of Work Package" Development Policies "]
- Program PUCA "From suburban to urban: the other side of the mirror - A suburban areas by the thought, for a peri modeled by usage" [Portage and project management]
- Program PUCA "Temporalities urban project" [Portage and project management]
- Projects Walls on the observation and analysis of closed borders
- FP7 EUBORDERSCAPES, Bordering, Landscapes Political and Social Arenas: ? Potentials and Challenges of Border Evolving Concepts in a post-Cold War World
- Editing the Corpus sources Caribbean (volumes 3, 4, 5, 6)
Completed projects:
- ANR Sustainable City AETIC (Integrated Territorial Economic Approach to Climate Change) [direction of Work Package Planning]
- Project EXCLIM (Exiles climate), urban policy to the test population displacements due to extreme weather events in the program GICC2 (Managing Impacts of Climate Change) and the MEEDEM CNRS - [porting and scientific leadership] .
- PIRVE Program (Interdisciplinary Research Program City and Environment - CNRS) "Towards sustainable urban and peri - A study of the transition to sustainability thinking at the regional level in 2020 and 2050" - [porting and scientific leadership project].
- Research for a formalization of combining sustainable urban development team STEEP.
Organizational chart
Directrice adjointe de l'équipe de recherche Habiter
Phone 03 26 91 38 59
Ingénieur d'études
Phone NC
Maître de conférences
Phone NC
Maître de conférences
Phone NC
Maître de conférences HDR
Phone NC