University News


GEGENAA took part in the international "the archaeology of contemporary conflicts: methods, contributions and stakes" symposium

GEGENAA took part in the Caen international symposium at the Caen Memorial, (27-28 March 2019) on "the archaeology of contemporary conflicts: methods, contributions and stakes" with the following presentations:

  • A. Coulaud, M. Mariette, R. Perarnau: Apport de l'Archéologie à la connaissance du réseaulogistique américain de la Grande Guerre en France (1917-1919) - une approche pluridisciplinaire (The Contribution of Archaeology to knowledge of the American logistics network in the First World War in France (1917-1919) - a multidisciplinary approach)
  • J. Brénot, Y. Desfossés, A. Devos, B. Duchène, Y. Rabasté, N. Garmaond, F. Laudrin, P. Taborelli: 15 ans d'archéologie de la Grande Guerre en Champagne - Archéologie de la vie quotidienne au Front. (15 years of the archaeology of the First World War in Champagne - Archaeology of daily life at the Front.)

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