Biomaterials and inflammation in bone site (BIOS) - UR 4691
Contact details:
EA 4691 BIOS
UFR Pharmacie - Pôle Santé URCA
SFR-CAP Santé FED 4231
1 rue du Maréchal Juin
51095 Reims cedex
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Team presentation
The "Biomaterials and Inflammation in Bone Site" laboratory combines biological and clinical approaches to understand the bone physiopathology orphan diseases (cystic fibrosis, fibrous dysplasia) and to develop innovative osteoinductive and osteoregenerative biomaterials for bone filling, particularly in inflammatory and/or septic sites.
Researchers, lecturer-researchers, hospital practitioners, technical staff: 33
Post-docs, PhD students: 9
Key words
Biomatrices - Biocompatibility - Stem Cells - Functionalization - Bone microenvironment - Inflammation - Infection - Bone fragility - Cystic Fibrosis - Sterilization - Cold Plasma
Research topics
Our multidisciplinary program combines chemistry, cell biology, immunology, microbiology, numerical modeling, animal models and transfer to clinical applications and technological innovations for bone regenerative medicine. It is based on the following themes:
- Bone physiopathology in rare diseases (cystic fibrosis, fibrous dysplasia ...),
- Conceptualization and validation of innovative scaffolds,
- Regenerative medicine and stem cells,
- Biological processes influencing the regenerative capacities of biomatrices and cellular immunomodulation (inflammation, infection, tissue neoformation ...),
- Cold plasma sterilization process of pre-conditioned materials.
- Human primary bone cell cultures in vitro and ex vivo, as well as human and murine cell lines,
- Culture of adult and fetal stem cells,
- Planktonic bacterial cultures or biofilms and validation of antimicrobial activities,
- Models of co-culture, cell / biomaterial interaction, bacteria / cells, bacteria / cells / biomatrices
- Elaboration of hydrogels, biomaterials based on natural polymers (collagen, chitosan, hyaluronic acid ..),
- Migration / cell invasion models,
- Histological, immunohistochemical and immunological techniques,
- Cell and tissue imaging,
- In vivo experimental validation: experimental animal models (mouse and rat).
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Macopharma, Septodont, Sominex, Bronze alloys, ..
Numerous collaborations with French and foreign university laboratories, Inserm, CNRS ..
CRTs, Carnot Institutes (MICA, ICEEL ..)
- PCT/FR 2011/052199 "Dispositif de stérilisation par plasma froid d’un objet, tel qu’un dispositif médical, un implant ou autre et procédé mettant en œuvre ce dispositif".
- WO 2012/038669 A1: "Device for cold plasma sterilization of an object, such as, a medical device particularly an implant, and method using this device. " (EP 2 618 851 B1, 2014 ; CA 2819374, 2015)
- Automated sprayer of phosphocalcic substrates,
- Bioreactor,
- Cell culture or microbial cultures (L1 and L2),
- Histopathology platform (paraffin embedding station, microtome),
- Fluorescence photonic microscopy, videomicroscopy, electron microscopy (scanning, transmission),
- Equipment for molecular biology (real-time PCR, UV and fluorescence detection)
- Autoclave, Cold Plasma chamber
Thematic interfaces (biology / chemistry / physics)
Applied research (support on clinical issues)
Organizational chartTeam