Fractionnation of Agro-Ressources and Environment (FARE) - INRAE UMR A 614
Team presentation
The FARE research unit is working on the mechanisms of deconstruction of lignocellulosic plant resources in natural ecosystems for agriculture and the environment and in (bio) technological processes for green and sustainable chemistry. In the value chain of agricultural and forestry resources, FARE's application and innovation objectives relate to i / upstream, the maintenance of soil fertility, carbon storage and the control of greenhouse gas emissions. and ii / downstream, the production of molecules, fibers and agro-sourced materials. All of FARE's actions are part of the national and European development of sustainable and circular economies.
6 URCA Professors-Assistant Professors, 6 INRA Researchers, 2 INRA and URCA research engineers, 14 technicians of which 13 INRA
Key words (alphabetical order; from 2018 cartography)
Biomaterials - Biodegradation - Bioeconomy - Biogeochemistry - Lignocellulosic biomass - Biomolecules - Biorefinery - C and N Cycles - Cellulose - Confocal microscopy - Crop residues - Decomposition - Deconstruction - Enzyme - Enzymatic fractionation - Enzymatic functionalization - Extrusion - Fluorescent probes - Functionalized pentoses - Greenhouse gas emission - Hemicellulose - Infrared, fluorescence, UV spectroscopy - Isotope tracing 15N, 13C - Lignins - Lignocellulose - Lignocellulolytic microorganisms - Mechanical properties - Modeling of biodegradation - Nanomaterials - Natural fibers - Omic analyzes (meta / genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics) - Oxidation - Physico-chemistry of polymers - Plant cell wall - Rheology - Retting - Secondary metabolites- Soil - Solid State Fermentation - Surface propertiesThermomechanical properties - Thin polymer layers (Langmuir-Blodgett, spin-coating, layer-by-layer) - Trade offs between ecosystem and technological services - 4D modeling of biomass deconstruction - 4D image processing (space + t)
FARE is working on two themes related to agroecology and bioeconomy :
The first theme concerns mainly the study of biological processes of lignocellulosic biomass deconstruction or biodegradation (in field or reactor) using phenomenological and mechanistic approaches (e.g., interaction and cooperation between macro- and microbiomes; between microbial and enzymatic consortia) and modelling approaches of the systems studied (e.g., dynamic structural modelling of the biological deconstruction of plant cell walls, modelling of decomposition and enzyme efficiency in soils, modelling of microbial growth on lignocellulose).
The second theme focuses on the use of fractionation products obtained from lignocellulose for chemistry and materials using different approaches. A central point is the search for functionalities that are intrinsic to these fractions (e.g., anti-oxidant, film forming and optical properties) or designed by rationale transformations/modifications (surfactants, compatibilisation of composites, etc.). The processes can be biological (enzymes, microorganisms), physicochemical (polymer self-assemblies, extrusion), or a combination of elementary operations (chemo-enzymatic reactions, reactive extrusion, etc.). The targeted applications are molecules, polymers and materials with high added value or new properties, mainly on the basis of FARE’s research and patents (nanomaterials, molecules and biobased surfactants, fibrous materials, etc.).
To complete the two abovementioned themes, two cross-cutting activities are implemented: (i) to integrate knowledge, to orientate the experimental strategy and support-the decisions through modelling approaches; (ii) to manage simultaneously environmental and technological quality of biomass at the level of the transformation of lignocellulose and their further uses (trade offs between ecosystem services and ecoconception of products)
Microbiology, enzymology and omics
- Microbiology: cultures of filamentous bacteria and fungi, liquid and solid fermentations, microbial physiology
- Molecular biology: production and purification of wild and recombinant enzymes, omic approaches (transcriptomic, genomic, proteomic, metabolomic, ...)
- Biocatalysis: enzymatic and physico-chemical fractionation of lignocelluloses, enzymatic functionalization
Biochemistry and modeling of lignocellulose deconstruction
- Biochemistry, physical chemistry and micromechanics of walls and plant fibers
- Extraction, characterization and assembly of lignocellulosic polymers
- Measurement of properties at interfaces
- Physical and microscopic methods for monitoring enzyme diffusion in complex environments
- 4D modeling (3D + time) of the deconstruction of plant walls
- 4D image processing (3D + time) - digital techniques
Engineering and design of agromaterials and nanomaterials
- Production and characterization of cellulosic nano-fibrils
- Design of nanostructured materials
- Production of agrosourced materials by extrusion and injection
- Modeling of physical and thermal phenomena in extruders
- Characterizations at different scales of the use and functional properties of new materials
Soil biogeochemistry
- Use of stable isotopes (13C, 15N) and isotopic analysis, spectral analysis (UV / Vis / IR)
- Chemical characterization of soils and litter, measurement of C and N mineralization under controlled conditions; quantification of plant biomass in situ
- Modeling of carbon and nitrogen cycles and microorganism-substrate interactions
- Certified quarantine laboratory for soils and crop residues.
Chemical analysis
- Soluble C and N analyzers
- Van Soest automated extractor
- Gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, steric exclusion chromatography
- Mass spectrometers (isotope analysis, and MS coupled with gas chromatography)
- Fluorescence spectrophotometers, UV / Visible, infrared (near and far)
Physical and thermal analyzes
- Multi-angle light scattering analyzer
- Water sorption balance
- Spectroscopic ellipsometer
- Surface Plasmon resonnance
- Tensiometers,Langmuir trough, Langmuir-Blodgett, Spin-Coater
- Rheometer plate
Morphological mechanical analyzes
- Traction benches and mechanical analysis of solids
- Microtraction bench for fiber analysis
- Dimension scanner and fiber morphology
- MorFi analyzer
- UV microspectrophotometers
- Confocal fluorescence microscope
- Polarized microscope
Agro-material implementation
- Internal mixing
- Microinjection of test specimens
- Single-screw micro-extruders and laboratory twin-screw extruder
Biotechnology - Soil microbiology
- Bioreactors (1L to 20L)
- Solid fermentation equipment (up to 20 kg)
- Thermocyclers, q-PCR devices
- Incubators for microbial cultures
- Instrumented soil incubators
Delville J., Bliard C., Joly C., Dole P. (2000). Method for preparing a starch-based material, and resulting material - W0 0183610
Dufrancatel L., Kannengiesser P., Yhuel G., Marinkovic S. Estrine, B., Dole P. (2010). Novel oligomers, method for preparation thereof and use thereof for fluidifying and/or improving the stability of polymeric compositions - WO 2012062809
Remond Zilliox C., Ochs M., Muzard M., Plantier Royon R., Estrine B. (2010). Preparing surfactant compositions, comprises e.g. mixing lignocellulosic annual and perennial plant materials with water, contacting solution with strain or enzyme having xylanase activity to give composition of alkyl polypentosides - FR 2967164
Aguié-Béghin, V., Hambardzumyan A., Chabbert B., Foulon L. (2011). Films transparents et absorbeurs d’UV. Brevet déposé en France par l’Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA) et l'Université Champagne Ardennes (URCA), n° 11 54299. 17/05/2011.
Dufrancatel, L., P. Kannengiesser,Yhuel, G., Marinkovic, S., Estrine, B., Dole P.(2011). Novel compounds, method for preparation thereof and use thereof for preparing polymers useful for increasing heat resistance of polymeric composition - WO 2012062799
Tighzert, L., Berzin, F., Risse S., Vitofrancesco M. (2013). Composition à base de polymères agro-sourcés et biodégradables. Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne. Dépôt électronique INPI 117/12/2013
Gimbert, I., Raouche S., Sigoillot J.C., Zhou S., Copinet E., Rouches E., Carrere H. (2015). Prétraitement de biomasse lignocellulosique avec des champignons filamenteux pour la production de bioénergies. FR1460472
Private enterprises
Faurecia ; APM (Automotive Performance Materials); FRD (Fibres Recherches et Développement) ; La Chanvrière de l’Aube ; Agrafes CB ; ARD (Agro-industrie Recherches et Développement) ; Coperion K-TRon; Plastique d'Argonne ; Sciences Computer Consultants ; Verallia ; VITO (NL) ; AVANTIUM (NL) ; CERTECH (BE)
- University of Bretagne Sud: IRDL (Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme)
- University of Picardie Jules Verne: GEC (Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire) ; UMR CNRS 6022 - BIOPI (Laboratoire de Biologie des Plantes & Innovation)
- Technological University of Compiègne : GEC (Génie Enzymatique et Cellulaire), UMR CNRS 6022
- CNRS Laboratories and joint research units: CERMAV (Grenoble), UGSF Lille (Unité de Glycobiologie Structurale et Fonctionnelle)
- Grandes écoles: AgroParisTech, Centrale Supelec; Mines ParisTech, IMT Mines Alès
- Other organisms and Institutes: CRITT Matériaux, Dépôt et Traitement de Surface (MDTS, Charleville) ; IFP Energies Nouvelles
- Laboratories from the Université of Reims Champagne-Ardenne: ICMR (Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Reims), UMR CNRS 7312 ; GRESPI (Groupe de Recherche en Sciences pour l’Ingénieur), LRN (Laboratoire de Recherches en Nanosciences)
- Laboratories and joint research units (UMR) INRA: BBF Marseille (Biotechnologie Biodiversité Fongique) ; BIA Nantes (Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages) ; GMPA Thiverval-Grignon (Génie et Microbiologie des Procédés Alimentaires) ; IATE Montpellier (Ingénierie des Agro-polymères et Technologies Émergentes) ; I2M Bordeaux (Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie) ; IJPB Versailles (Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin) ; LISBP Toulouse (Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés) ; EGC Thiverval-Grignon (Environnement et Grandes Cultures)
- University of Bremen (Germany) - Pr. Jörg Müssig
- University of Liège (Belgium), Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech. Dr. F. Delvigne and Pr. P. Jacques
- University of Lund (Sweden) - Pr. M. Ohlin
- University of Umea (Sweden) – Dr. Sacha Escamez
- University of Wageningen (Netherlands): Dr. R Gosselink
- BOKU University Vienna (Austria) - Dr. Johannes Konnerth
- University of Altoo (Finland) – Pr. Monika Österberg
- University of Toledo (Ohio, USA) - Pr. Daryl Moorhead
- University of Madison (Wisconsin, USA) - Pr. John Ralph
- University of Center Florida, Orlando (Floride, USA), Dr. Laurene Tetard
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Tennessee, USA), Pr. Nicole Labbe
- US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (Etats-Unis) – Dr. Christopher G. Hunt
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Canada) – Dr. D. Wade Abbott
- Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil) – Pr. S Giacomini
- Scion Institute (New Zealand) - Dr. Lloyd Donaldson
- University of Kyoto (Japan) - Dr. Arata Yoshinaga
- Universitof Mahidol (Thailand), Dr. Taweechai Amornsakchai
Member of the CEBB - Pomacle-Bazancourt (European Center in Biotechnology and Bioeconomy), through the URCA « chaire AFERE » (Agroressource Fermentation Enzymes), included in FARE;
Member of the Carnot Institute 3BCAR
FARE is attached to two INRA scientific divisions :
- Characterization and elaboration of products from agriculture (CEPIA)
- Environnment and Agronomy (EA)
Update: march 2018
Organizational chartTeam
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