School of Engineering in Industrial and Numeric Sciences
Contact details
School of Engineering in Industrial and Numeric Sciences
Campus Sup Ardenne
B.P. 50028
08000 - Charleville-Mézières Cedex
Campus Moulin de la Housse
BP 1039
51687 Reims Cedex
Tel.: +33 03 24 59 64 70
Fax : +33 03 24 37 89 90
Access our website.
The School of Engineering in Industrial and Numeric Sciences is a component of URCA specialised in new technologies and material engineering.
IFTS offers training courses from A levels to M.A.:
- 1 general B.A. in SMM (3 years): Sciences of Matter and Materials (option IT or materials)
- 3 vocational BAs (1 year):
- CIPM: Conception Intégrée et Productique des Matériaux (Integrated Design and Material Production)
- MMF: Métallurgie de la Mise en Forme (Metal forming techniques)
- TIC: Technologie de l'Information et de la Communication (Information and Communication Technology)
- 3 vocational MAs (2 years) :
- IPAO: Ingénierie et Production Assistées par Ordinateur (Computer Assisted Engineering and Production)
- PSM: Procédés et Simulation en Métallurgie (Processes and Simulation in Metallurgy)
- Plasturgy: De la Conception au Recyclage (From Design to Recycling)
Teaching is matched with active and multiple research activities geared towards international, national and local companies.
Organizational chartTeam
Cheffe des services administratifs