Master's degree in Biology-Agrosciences - Production of the plant biomass and bioprotection



The Biology-Agrosciences master's degree is a national diploma.

The Master's degree includes a common M1 year and 2 M2 courses: Biotechnology, Plant-based Chemistry, Biorefining (BCVB) and M2 Production of the Plant Biomass and Bioprotection (PBVB).

Access to M1 BAS is via the national master's degree portal.

Access to M2 PBVB is automatic for students who have passed their M1 BAS and can also be done following examination by those in charge of the BAS Master's degree of the application file of students with an M1-level diploma in the field of the production and protection of agricultural resources.

The BAS master's degree aims to provide disciplinary knowledge and skills covering all aspects of the production, protection and "sustainable" exploitation of agricultural resources. The pedagogical objective of the BAS programme is to train high-level scientists in the field of agricultural resources, capable of mobilising concepts and methodologies from the disciplines concerned to analyse problems, solve the questions raised and implement a strategy for optimising new methods or processes in the field of sustainable agricultural resource production and plant-based biorefining.

The PBVB course trains specialist executives in the field of crop production and protection against pests in a context of climate change and in a sustainable agriculture strategy that respects the environment.

Cross-disciplinary lessons (English, technology watch in agro-industries, communication and professional project) are common to the 2 M2 courses of the BAS master's degree.

An important specific feature of the BAS master's degree concerns the interactions with the local agricultural and industrial sectors in the field of crop protection, biorefining and the bioeconomy which will be important (visits to R&D laboratories of companies, stakeholders from the agricultural and industrial sectors and large public and private research organisations).

Once they have graduated, students can enter the professional world but also pursue a doctorate. The PBVB course provides access to current and future professions in the field of agriculture, agri-food, the environment and public and private research laboratories on the production of the plant biomass and crop protection integrating new biocontrol strategies.

Skills acquired at the end of the training:

Scientific education (biochemistry and plant physiology, agronomy, genetic improvement and varietal selection, plant-environment interactions, crop protection, plant constituents and biorefining, etc.) is systematically associated with general education (115 hours in M1, 120 hours in M2 PBVB) intended to train students in communication (English, communication techniques, thematic presentations) as well as introduce them to the business world (socio-economic fabric, project management and finalisation).

BAS-PBVB master's degree students will have been trained to be:

  • Scientifically and technically competent in the field of crop production and protection.
  • Able to adapt to the different professional situations they will encounter based on the knowledge and know-how they will have acquired and developed during the master's degree.
  • Able to integrate into a public or industrial professional environment.
  • Able to lead projects.
  • Able to communicate and lead a team under their responsibility.

From the beginning of M1 (Professional project module), students will also carry out a skills assessment, and work on completing their CV and cover letters for an effective search for an internship and job.