Institute of Molecular Chemistry - Reims (ICMR) - UMR CNRS 7312
Contact details
Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de Reims
UFR des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
BP 1039 - Case postale 44
51687 Reims Cedex 2
ICMR is a research team under contract with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) since its inception in 2008. This research institute conducts fundamental research activities on various aspects of its core business: molecular chemistry. The unit’s project is structured around original questions in terms of chemical reactivity, structure elucidation or intensified process development together with aspects of structure / function relationships, in relation with biobased chemistry, health, materials and nanosciences.
- 42 Professors and assistant professors
- 12 CNRS staff
- 17 technical staff
- 30 PhD students, postdoc, and non-permanent staff
Key words
Molecular chemistry, biobased chemistry, organometallic chemistry, environmental chemistry, coordination chemistry, medicinal chemistry, natural product chemistry, photochemistry, asymmetric synthesis, organocatalysis, fluorinated organic molecules, nitrogen-containing heterocycles, sugar chemistry, mechanisms of action, molecular modelling, structural analysis, separative sciences, enzymatic inhibition, antimicrobial activities, biobased polymeres, biobased ionic liquid, dendrimers, intensified process, composite materials, micro- et nanoparticles, magneto-optical probes
Research topics
Methodology in organic synthesis
- Highly selective chemical transformations based on activation methods or original reagents: photochemical or organocatalytic activations, use of palladium-based metal catalysts
- Reactivity of allylmetals through their configurational stability. Synthesis of fluorinated molecules or nitrogen-containing heterocycles
Biomolecules: synthesis and mechanisms of action
- Design and synthesis of heterocycles as phosphodiesterase inhibitors
- Design and synthesis of neuraminidase-1 inhibitors
- Conformation-biological activities relationships
Coordination chemistry
- Geochemistry and pollutant transfer in the environment
- Development of biobased surfactants, dendrimers and ionic liquids, applications in the fields of the environment (pollutant extraction), cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
- Hypersensitive contrast agents for MRI and / or magneto-optical imaging and associated nanoparticles
- Coordination complexes and associated nanoparticles for theranostic (Photo-Dynamic Therapy) applications.
Natural Product Chemistry
- Chemodiversity and biological activities of terrestrial or aquatic plant secondary metabolites
- Methodological developments and process intensification in centrifugal partition chromatography
- Liquid NMR and chemoinformatics for mixture analysis
- Enzymatic bioassays
Functional polymers and networks
- Clean processes and polymer crosslinking
- Encapsulation (for cosmetics or therapeutic purposes)
- Radiation chemistry
- Biobased monomers and polymers
Multi-step organic synthesis, structural analysis, biobased chemistry
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of molecules for therapeutic purposes
Extraction, purification and structural analysis of natural products, analytical and preparative chromatography, methodology in NMR spectroscopy
Kinetics and reaction mechanisms, polymer structural characterization, controlled release of active substances, structure-properties relationships
Synthesis of ligands and coordination complexes, complex incorporation into nanoparticles, complex grafting on surfaces or biobased polymers, understanding of the fate/transfer of organic and/or inorganic pollutants
Bayer, BASF, Bull, Guerbet, OxBioLab, Givaudan, Glaxosmithkline, Pierre Fabre, LVMH recherche, Sogrape, Gilson, Rousselet Robatel Kromaton, Astrium, Airbus Safran Launcher, Saint-Gobain, Michelin, Vivatech, Schneider Electric Industries, Gergonne Industrie, TRAD, etc
France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, Poland, Italy, Australia, USA, Japan, India, China, Morocco, Algéria, South Africaegypt, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Sweden, Pakistan, etc…
2011-2016: 21 patents pending
About 90 publications per year
Equipements on the technical platform URCA
- NMR spectrometers at 300, 400, 500 and 600 MHz (liquid, HR-MAS, solid state, micro-imaging, LC-SPE-NMR)
- EPR spectrometer
- Mass spectrometers ESI-Q-TOF-IMS-MS, MALDI-TOF, GCT, ESI-Q-TOF (LC/MS, ionic mobility)
- X-Ray diffraction
- Genevac (solvent evaporation)
Equipments belonging to the laboratory
- Atomic emission and absorption spectrophotometers (ICP-OES and AAS)
- Microwave digestor with solvent extraction
- Spectrofluorimeters
- Potentiometry, voltamperometry, polarography
- UV-visible, FTIR (MIR, NIR, ATR), polarimeters
- Chromatographic methods (CPC, HPLC, GC, FPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS, CES)
- Pilot Extraction Plat-form (grinder, centrifugators, L/L, ASE, EPC, extractors, …)
- Microanalysis (C, H, N, S)
- Malvern nanosizer (DLS, SLS)
- Peptide synthetizer, oligonucleotide synthetizer
- Radiation sources and processors (UV, electron beam)
- Mini-extruder, tensile testing machine
- Thermophysical analysis (DSC, DMA)
Plat-Form for analytics and chemical transformation - PlAneT
The PlAneT technological platform operated by our Institute supports the activity of academic and industrial research laboratories. PlAneT covers a whole range of advanced structural characterization methods as well quantitative chemical analysis. State-of–the-art equipments and expert scientists provide routine analysis as well as on-demand analytical services.
- Development of chemo/stereo selective transformations in organic and organometallic synthesis, photochemical activation, biobased chemistry
- Enzymatic inhibitor design
- Carbohydrate chemistry
- Molecular modelling, docking, etc
- Methodological developments in chromatography and structural analysis
- Rapid identification of secondary metabolites in complex extracts, dereplication, supported by a high-level technical platform
- Radiation chemistry (UV, ionizing)
- Reactive extrusion
- Cross-linking in a complex media
- Multi-scale approach of pollutant transfer phenomena
- Liquid-liquid extraction, mass transfer and kinetics, case of ionized compounds
- Hypersensitive MRI probes - Nanohydrogels
- Encapsulation, biopolymer destructurization
- Photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy