
Mission Handicap


Vice-doyen de l'UFR Pharmacie, référent handicap Phone
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Contact details

Mission Handicap
Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne
Bâtiment "Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques"
Bureau 3014
57 bis, rue Pierre Taittinger, 51096 REIMS Cedex

Phone: +33 6 45 85 53 43


Conceive, lead and develop an accompanying programme for students disabled or in situation of handicap who will study at the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne.

All aspects of university life can be taken into consideration depending on students’ requests. Each domain will be considered in collaboration with the other university services:

  • the course of the studies (organisation adjustments, facilities support, human help, etc.),
  • accessibility to university places (campus, buildings, restaurants, etc.),
  • guidance early in the degree course and/or during the degree course,
  • research of internships and occupational integration,
  • participation to cultural and sport activities, etc.

Any disabled student or future student in situation of handicap registered at the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne.

The French legislation defines handicap as:
Article 2-I, 1° of the Law from February 11, 2005 for the equality of rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of disabled people, as Article 114 from the Social Action and Families Code:

« Constitue un handicap, au sens de la présente loi, toute limitation d’activité ou restriction de participation à la vie en société subie dans son environnement par une personne en raison d’une altération substantielle, durable ou définitive d’une ou plusieurs fonctions physiques, sensorielles, mentales, cognitives ou psychiques, d’un polyhandicap ou d’un trouble de santé invalidant. »

The Mission Handicap focuses on five main actions:

  • To welcome and support students along the course of their degree.
  • To develop a network of organizational and institutional partners.
  • To carry out actions to improve support measures for disabled students and students in situation of handicap.
  • To raise people’s awareness and inform them on handicap
  • To help establish national policies in favour of disabled students and contribute to negotiations on the question.

It is recommended to contact Mission Handicap as early as possible (during the year preceding the start of the university year or early after it started) in order to make sure that all the needs are taken into account and rapidly dealt with.
It is possible to have the adjustments, means and measures that have been implemented reviewed depending on how the student’s needs have evolved.

Mission Handicap works closely with the university services, administration employees and teachers.

Organizational chart