University News


A look back at the first NANO-PHOT graduate school "Research Day 2022"

The first NANO-PHOT graduate school "Research Day 2022" was held on Thursday 5 May at URCA on the Moulin de la Housse campus.

The event brought together around fifty people made up of teacher-researchers, researchers and students from the UTT’s L2n (Light, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies) laboratory and the five Reims partner laboratories. The Reims laboratories are the LRN (Nanosciences Research Laboratory), the SEBIO laboratory (Environmental Stresses and BIOmonitoring of Aquatic Environments), the BioSpecT laboratory (Translational BioSpectroscopy), the ITheMM (Institute of Thermics, Mechanics, Materials), the MEDyC laboratory (Extracellular and Dynamic Matrix) and the INRAE’s FARE unit (Fractionation of Agroresources and Environment).

The objective of this day was to bring together the Graduate School’s partner laboratories. During this day, the directors of the laboratories or their representative presented their laboratory. In addition to the lab presentations, presentations focused on a research activity. The programme for the day can be viewed HERE.

You can find more information about the NANO-PHOT Graduate School on the school’s website.

Contact NANO-PHOT at URCA: Louis Giraudet -

Picture of the graduate school